Our kittens born at home: one room is entirely dedicated to the litters, in this room mamy cat can take care to her kittens until the fourth week of life. From the fifth week the kittens grow in very close contact with us (adults and kids) and with the other adult cats, experiencing and learning to socialize as mother teaches.
The first trivalent immunization is performed at 8 weeks (Feline Panleukopenia, Feline Herpesvirus and feline Calicivirus), while the second trivalent immunization is performed at 11 weeks.
Kittens are also preventively treated against worms even if the mother is always tested before kittens delivery to assure the negativity of Coronavirus and the absence of parasites.
Mother and Father are tested and negative to the most dangerous virus diseases (FIV and FELV). Every year males and females are tested by echocardiography screening to confirm the negativity of HCM (Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy).
Kittens will leave our house not before the 12th week of life with pedigree ANFI/FIFE, warranty contract, microchip, transfer and kitten kit.
Excellent feeding for kittens and adults is a prerogative of our cattery, thus we choose natural, biological and with high protein content products to fulfil their needs and preserve their health.
The relationship with kittens does not end with the adoption since we establish significant emotional ties with them thus is very important for us to keep in touch with the new families and be there for every needs.